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Bleaching And Coloring Your Hair At Home

Bleaching And Coloring Your Hair At Home

Sounds pretty daring right? To color your hair at home? Guess what, it’s totally possible. All you need is some courage and colors. Here are some tips, tricks, hacks and things that you should keep in mind if you decide to color your hair all by yourself. 

Answering your doubts

Is it safe? Yes, if you take all precautions and follow the instruction manual then you won’t have to worry about anything. Can beginners bleach and color their hair at home? We’d suggest you take professional help for bleaching if you’re a first timer. However, the Paradyes colors can be applied easily at home too. And if you’re a pro and have colored your hair multiple times then we’d say keep going and never stop!

Now, what do you think you’ll need to take on this task? Check mark items from this list right here:

  1. First off, if your hair is dark (tones of black, dark brown, brown), you’ll have to bleach it. Hence, you’ll need a developer and blonder powder to create the bleach mix.
  2. Safety is important, make sure you have a bunch of rubber gloves and vaseline as bleach can cause itching if it comes in contact with your skin. 
  3. A glass bowl and a dyeing brush to make the mixture. Do not use metal or wooden bowls while coloring your hair.
  4. Lots and lots of aluminium foil pieces to wrap up the bleached sections of your hair along with hair sectioners or clips to divide your hair properly.
  5. We certainly don’t want you to ruin your favorite clothes, so just wear some old ones!
  6. Time, well, it’s a lengthy and time consuming process so trust us, you don’t wanna be in a hurry!
  7. Jars of your favorite Paradyes hues depending upon the length of your hair and the coloring technique you wanna try.
  8. Lastly, hand sanitizer and wipes as they help in getting rid of hair dye stains quickly.

Time to go Blonde

Alright, your stage is set. Start by combining the bleach mix as mentioned on the packaging. If you’re not confident about bleaching then definitely don’t take the risk and go to a professional for help. Once your mixture is ready, section your hair into manageable parts. Put on your gloves, take the brush, dip it in and go for it! 

Pro tip: Move the brush in a downward and zig-zag motion to cover up all the strands. 

After completing, cover it up in foil and wait for the color to lift from your hair. This will take a while, sit back, grab some popcorn and tune into Netflix. (Check out our blog for more details.)

Test Test Test 

Strand testing on a part of your hair is the most foolproof way to avoid unwanted results. Say, you decide to do some experimentation and mix two colors, though we’d suggest otherwise if you’re a first timer. Just keep it simple, ya? Still, if you wanna blend colors, read up our blog before diving in.
(Ps. Don’t take random advice or someone might just tell you that Red and Green can give you Yellow!) We know your Paradyes hue is precious, but you can always experiment with a teeny-tiny amount initially. You can wash off the hair color under water and let it air dry.

Try the Dye

Rinse off the bleach with Shampoo after achieving your desired level of lightened hair. Wait for your hair to dry off completely. If you’re satisfied with the strand test, you’re ready to dip your hands all in! 

Pro Tip: Section your hair to get wholesome results. Move the brush in a downward and zig-zag motion to cover up all the strands. You can also take up some strands and pinch them between your thumb and forefinger for the color to deposit properly.
Here’s another trick: if you wanna add dark highlights on light hair, just use a toothbrush!

Don’t forget to rinse off the color and apply Paradyes Color Care Conditioner to lock in the color. If you’re reading this, it means you’re gonna get a hair transformation and we’re Para-dyeing to see your new look! So save yourself some money and try hair coloring at home with us.

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