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How to Refresh Faded Hair Paradyes

How to Refresh Faded Hair

Well c’mon, if you’re using paradyes hair colors then we think you’ve got it in you to ace the para-fade too. That would make you a true bird of paradyes! However, there’s no doubt that nothing can really beat a fresh hair color MELT. Since these are semi-permanent dyes, the color will bleed and become lighter with every wash. But we’re just gonna spill some secrets about how you can retain those beautiful hues. Just keep scrolling to see members of our very own Fade Brigade! Maybe you’ll feel like rocking those faded hair too ;)

How long do paradyes hair colors last?

Paradyes semi-permanent hair colors generally last for up to 10-15 washes. Now ofc, this depends on how frequently you wash your hair, your hair porosity, the level of your base, your hair quality and the color that you apply. Some strong hair dye pigments like those of Rubra Red and Carola Pink bleed with every wash but don’t fade that easily. Cooler tones like Rudolphi Blue fade faster into ashy hues. Now consider for instance, Raggiana Orange, you can have a fierce look in the beginning and a cute peachy look probably by the end of 8 washes. There’s a different vibe with every wash, isn’t that cool?

Refresh with a retouch

Applying paradyes hair colors repeatedly won’t damage your hair. You can take our word for it. Our hair dyes will make your hair feel soft, smooth, shiny and tangle-free every time you apply them. We’d suggest you don’t bleach your roots as soon as they grow out if you have a global look and your hair grows faster. You can just apply the same color over the colored portion again or go for a different look with a new hair color. Keep in mind that you might end up with your own custom shade since the new color will blend in with your older one.

Mix it up with the Color Care Conditioner

If you’re totally in love with your pastel hair and don’t want it to go away too soon, you can mix the color you’ve applied with the paradyes color care conditioner in a 1:4 ratio. Instead of washing your hair with just a shampoo and conditioner, you can use this colored conditioner instead. It’ll ensure that a slight amount of pigment gets deposited on your hair every time you wash it. Helping you maintain the faded look for a longer period. 

Buildup is bad

Dust particles, chlorine water, too many styling products, etc. can cause your colored hair to become dull and dusky. Use a good detoxifying shampoo or cleanser to get rid of this buildup so that your hair looks fresh and healthy again. Ensure that you incorporate a detoxifier in your hair care routine and cleanse your colored hair on a regular basis to retain the vibrant and shiny hues. 

Deep conditioning is the way to go

Apply a deep conditioning mask right after shampooing and cleaning your colored hair. Choose a mask that is made specially for colored hair to protect the color from fading. In general too, adding a deep conditioning mask to your hair care routine has long term benefits. Not only will it help you in maintaining your hair color but it’ll ensure that the quality of your hair improves over time.

And finally, take a look at some stunning photos of para-fam completely rocking their faded hair color.

Image Source: @ridhiipaul

Image Source: @ishita.nanda

Image Source: @glosscollective

Image Source: @yushikajolly

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