College Life And Hair Color Journeys
Coloring your hair is a form of self-expression, it means different things for different people. College is the time when you can take the leap and experiment with your identity, aesthetics, etc. We at Paradyes want to help you break all the barriers and assist you in your journey of self-expression and experimenting with your hair! *This article was written and submitted by Arushi Sharma.
Learn moreThe Colorful Evolution Of Hair Dyes
Although hair color and dyes seem like a relatively ‘modern’ and largely unconventional concept, people have been dabbling in hair dyes for as long as they have had hair. This can largely be attributed to the very human tendency of desiring to alter and enhance their appearance. Ancient man experimented with a variety of plant and animal-based products, and later even very lethal chemical concoctions to tint their hair.
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